An easy-going user of the social network, or a businessman who knows what he wants? What is the personality of Facebook user, today?
Facebook: now this term, doesn’t needs introduction. Facebook is a new virtual continent, with more than a billion members, of which over twenty seven million, are Italians.
Mark Zuckerberg, its founder, class 1984, is one of the richest young men in the world and so far has never made any false moves. Maybe they do not think so, students who have accused him of having stolen their idea of the successful social networks involving him in a lawsuit. But the picture that emerges of him by the media, is certainly aspirational.
facebook ha ormai più di un miliardo di utenti
Even if we complain of ubiquitous kittens, the now growing lack of privacy and the hassle of having given voice to those who, maybe, it was better if they did not, the people of Facebook is growing. But now the king of social network is more and more also a powerful business tool for companies.
Brilliant computer designer, Mark Zuckerberg has created an unsurpassed model
Astute businessman, Zuckerber has continued to invest and acquired two of the strongest smartphone apps (not surprisingly) on the market: Instagram, photo sharing application for a billion dollars and WhatsApp, messaging app, for 19 billion.
faithful husband and loving father, Mark with his wife Priscilla, opened the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, an ambitious project financed by a substantial financial investment to create (and support) a group of researchers who could find the cures to prevent several genetic diseases.
in Italia gli iscritti sono 27 milioni
An interesting fact to know? Facebook and Instagram among the very young still have the highest percentage of those who are called hyperusers ie monthly visitors who are always on the social but for years now, the bleeding of teenagers who prefer other social media, like Snapchat and Youtube is effective.
Here is the latest news, after the facebook Live streaming, launched by Facebook:
the launch, on live streaming of course, of the Oculus Rift, the screen to wear produced by Oculus vr, a small startup recently acquired by Facebook. With Oculus Rift Facebook is looking for the pole position to a new trend that is coming from the future, the virtual reality.
a few months ago came Signal (and Instant articles), with an unprecedented way as it is disturbing, that makes traceable in real time the journalistic content appearing on the social network. So that journalists are and use photos, videos and articles related to events current of this single platform, totally free. To govern the order of the news on the bulletin board, the famous Facebook’s algorithm, namely the mathematics that hierarchizes reality!
Dimmmi che social usi e ti dirò che personalità hai
Identikit dell’utente di facebook
Here finally, my personal analysis of Facebook user. Men and women of the third millennium, young and old, though inevitably more and more social. Individuals seeking a balance between private life, the desire to share a personal opinion and desire to be leaders, to succeed and do business.
uses Facebook as entertainment but more and more as the launch of business
have to face with friends, relatives, classmates (Then it holds)
He likes to spy on the lives of others
It interacts little compared to what he sees
It enjoys the contents and news that are offered and comments in a personal way
moody, passes from the political controversy to holiday’s photos
her profile reflects his personality better than a website (including diseases)
on the public page works to push his business
is part of unsuspected groups
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