It happened on January 2, so without notice. A winter sunset, the same as many other sunsets that can be enjoyed at that precise point in the heel of Italy has been brought to the fore: Polignano a Mare has been featured by Periscope. Thanks to live streaming of Twitter, this live was seen by approximately 20,000 people from around the world, from the US to India, viewers were able to enjoy the breathtaking sunset.
The old town of Polignano a Mare is very scenic, a group of houses of a rock spur that enters into a sea: the Adriatic. The sun in the sunsets on this side of the Mediterranean, never sets in the sea but the colors of the sky and reflected in the sea and the rocks are no less picturesque.
Read the article in Italian

Here you can watch the replay of the live on Periscope:
Sunset by the Med Sea in the Beautiful #PolignanoaMare #Apulia #travel #GoLive
— Rossella Canevari (@rosscaneva) 2 gennaio 2017